We have a First Contact Physiotherapist starting working with our Practice. They are a great way to have a musculoskeletal condion assessed. It is important to know that they are working remotely so this assessment will be over the telephone or video link, and will not be a course of physiotherapy.
They are an expertly trained Physiotherapist who can assess your condition and advise any short term treatments, suggest things that may help and refer onwards to our local Physiotherapy department if you may need a course of treatment, or to our Musculoskeletal Clinic.
If you were thinking of calling to speak to a GP for the first time about a back or joint problem or something similar that is bothering you, this may be good alternative.
Please have a look at the video below to see if your issue is suitable. we have appointments available from week commencing 16.5.22. Please get in touch with our reception team to book.
Video: When to see your FCP