NHS Talking Therapy Services are available for patients with mild to moderate depression or anxiety. Patients can self refer themselves to this service, without having to go through a GP, by contacting them on : 0300 123 6020.
More information about NHS Talking Therapy Services
These services are provided by Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust.
Need urgent support for your mental health?
Just call 111 and select the mental health option to speak to a mental health professional in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin.
NHS 111 select ‘mental health’ option
As part of a national change to the NHS 111 service, if you are experiencing a mental health crisis (something that makes you feel unsafe, distressed, or worried about your mental health), you can now contact your local crisis service in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin by calling 111 and selecting the mental health option.
What happens when I call?
Your mental health needs will then be assessed by someone who will be able to listen to your concerns and help you get the support you need. With your permission, they can also access your electronic patient records to better meet your needs and to avoid you repeatedly having to tell us your situation. They can offer advice over the phone, put you in contact with crisis services or refer you to most appropriate service.
Who can call?
You can call for yourself, or someone else. NHS 111 is for all ages, including children and young people and those with neurodevelopmental needs.
If you’re deaf or have hearing loss, please use the following link to be connected to local crisis service – NHS 111 – SignVideo.
If you aren't able to make the call yourself, then anyone can call on your behalf - for example a friend, carer, loved one or even your GP. You can also access NHS111 online via 111.nhs.uk.
The service is available to anyone, currently living in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin and facing a mental health crisis, which could include:
- Thinking about harming yourself or suicide seems the only option.
- Someone you know has made threats to hurt you or someone else.
- You are experiencing extreme distress that seems overwhelming.
- Feeling out of control or unable to cope
- Hearing voices or seeing things that others can’t
Your Feedback on Shropshire Psychological Therapies Services (IAPT)
Share your feedback via www.healthwatchshropshire.co.uk or call 01743 237884